Category Archives: Videos

How Bad Do You Want It?

Est. Reading / Watching Time 5minutes, (15min with bonus videos)

Hi All,

Sorry for the lack of posts. My trip was extended to an incredible six month journey. I have been back a month now and have started to knuckle down and get motivated. I would like to share with you this amazingly shot video title “How Bad Do You Want It?”. The title is self explanatory. The video was shot using parts of a speech by a speaker at Michigan State University. I will include the original two part speech below the video.

Having ideas and wanting to be successful is all well and good, but its doing and putting those ideas to action which sets people apart.  Enjoy this fantastic video.

Click the HD button if your computer can handle it as the video is superbly shot and deserves it!

How Bad Do You Want It from Greyskale Multimedia on Vimeo.



Here is the original footage with an extended version of the inspirational speech in two parts…

Monday Morning Feeling

Happy Christmas to everyone. Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and New Year whatever you get up to and wherever you are. I leave you for the holidays with this video by Alastair Humphreys about where would you rather be on Monday Morning. Don’t allow that Monday morning feeling last, thing of nicer places and doing what you want and work to that goal!

One amazing girl, with an amazing story at only 23, Maggie Doyne

This was the first Do Lecture from 2010 that I have seen, and what an amazing speech. Maggie Doyne was a high school leaver who went on her gap year and instead of drinking it up in Australia she turned to poorer countries, like India and Nepal (one of my favourite countries). Concerned with the conditions of some of the children she saw, with just $5000, at the age of 23 she has set up her own school for orphaned children at Kopila Valley, Surkhet in Nepal. She has taken children away from child labour to give them a deserved chance at education.

She has since started her foundation called BlinkNow Foundation to share her ideas with other young people. Maggie won the prestigious Do Something award in America for all that she has done so far.

If you are interested in Maggie’s work please visit the BlinkNow webpage.

Three Great Inspirational Scenes from Movies

While Hollywood does produce an unbelievable amount of rubbish, everyone loves a great film. However this selection of videos is not about great films, its about great inspirational speeches from films. There are some good films in there, but don’t be put off by any preconception of the film and not watch the clip. I included an amazing Rocky speech for just that reason, the film has no interest for me, however I was told watch this clip. And it is great.  So enjoy these scenes, watch them before you set out your day, before you sit to write an essay, before a job interview. Go out and don’t let anything hold you back.

1, Pursuit of Happyness – Protect Your Dreams
The entirety of this film is superb and inspiring. However this scene is arguably the most important in the film (no spoilers in it), and is certainly the most inspiring.

Buy on Blu Ray and DVD

2, Al Pacino – Any Given Sunday – One Inch at a Time
Unbelievable monologue, not about American football, but about life. One of the greatest actors of all time doing one of his most famous speeches. Whoever wrote this is amazing to bind this into a film about sports. Great motivational speech.

Available on Blu Ray and DVD

3, Rocky 4 – Father to son – Living out of the Shadow
As I say, don’t skip this just because you don’t like Rocky. Its about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. About going out and getting what you want despite “taking the hits”. Pretty amazing speech even coming from Stallone.

Buy Rocky Collection on Blu Ray

What are your favourite inspirational movies speeches? Please share and let me know what you think of these three.

A Lesson from Students of Baghdad University

In this video it features three students who attend Baghdad University as they go through the problems they face, the same every student does. What to do after University, what kind of job you want to get into, when next to see friends and family etc. However these students have to put up with friends being killed in bomb attacks, Dean of the school being assassinated, and general fear of attack from extremists. These “war students” from Baghdad really show us that no matter what problems you think you may have, think about how unlucky some others have it. There is always a worse off situation, and these people still have hope for the future of rebuilding their country, whilst others look to leave then come back.

Amazing video insight into what everyday young Iraqi’s want out of life, and how similar we all are.

Why staying foolish is as important as staying hungry – Steve Jobs speech

Most people know Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. You are probably either in the camp of Windows or Mac (excluding the hardcore in Linux, although saying that I use Ubuntu and I’m not hardcore). From these choices you probably have a view on Steve Jobs as did I.

However I got pointed to this amazing speech by him. In it he goes into his early life, as well as his recent battle with cancer.  Its nice to hear him speak openly about goals, and how he has overcome being sacked from the company he founded, then rehired.  Steve Jobs has been through a lot and come through it all, and whether you like Macs or PC’s, I hope you will find this speech as interesting and inspiring as I did.

Its was done in 2005 by Steve at the Stanford University Commencement Address in California.  His talk is aimed at inspiring people to pursue their dreams and never settle.
“Stay Hungry, and Stay Foolish” – Steve Jobs

More on Steve Jobs:

West of Eden: The End of Innocence at Apple Computer

EOS magazine Vol. 20 Nr. 3 maart 2003: Vliegtuiglawaai – Ramp Columbia – Walvissen – Gemidificeerd voedsel – Misvormde kikkers – Steve Jobs

Alastair Humphreys – The “Why” of Adventure Video

This is a short inspirational video. Its a talk, again by Alastair Humphreys about how to find adventure wherever you are, and why you should and do it. I love the comparisons in the video between the “worldly” images of Monks etc. to some guy off Junction 14 on the M25. Great short video

If you do not know of Alastair Humphreys, then watch his Do Lecture. Its amazing.

More on Alastair Humphreys:

Moods of Future Joys

Thunder & Sunshine

Ten Lessons From the Road

Randy Pausch Last Lecture Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

This is one of the best hours of your life you will ever experience. Randy Pausch was a lecturer who died of cancer recently and gave his “last lecture”, normally given at the end of a year for students, this actually was his last lecture.

Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch (Oct. 23, 1960 – July 25, 2008) gave his last lecture at the university Sept. 18, 2007, before a packed McConomy Auditorium. In his moving presentation, “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams,” Pausch talked about his lessons learned and gave advice to students on how to achieve their own career and personal goals.

There are so many great inspirational concepts in this video. I love this ideas about brick walls. “Brick walls are there to show you how much you want something”. Such a great man, and an incredible lecture. He gives such great information into his life and how he came about his views. Its an amazing video and one of the most inspirational and motivational videos you will ever see.

R.I.P. Randy Pausch (Oct. 23, 1960 – July 25, 2008)

Baz Luhrmann – Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen

This speech / video came out in 1999. I was 15/16, and did not really get its meaning. I always liked the music though, and I remembered it when I stumbled across it recently. Wear Sunscreen or the Sunscreen Speech are the common names of an essay actually called “Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young” written by Mary Schmich and published in the Chicago Tribune as a column in 1997.

The most popular and well-known form of the essay is the successful music single released in 1999, credited to Baz Luhrmann. Its a great speech about living right, and living well. I’m sure a lot of us can see things in this that are very relevant.