Est. Viewing Time: 4min.
This video is created by The Motivational facebook group. A nicely editted video featuring some incredible extreme sports mixed in with some great music by M83 and MGMT, and quotes from Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs and more. Great way to start your Monday!
Tag Archives: Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs, February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011
As many people now know Steve Jobs today died after losing his battle with cancer.
I would like to remind you of his amazing inspirational spirit as shown in a previous post from his speech in 2005. Click here to watch the speech and read the original post
R.I.P. Steven Paul “Steve” Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011)
Why staying foolish is as important as staying hungry – Steve Jobs speech
Most people know Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. You are probably either in the camp of Windows or Mac (excluding the hardcore in Linux, although saying that I use Ubuntu and I’m not hardcore). From these choices you probably have a view on Steve Jobs as did I.
However I got pointed to this amazing speech by him. In it he goes into his early life, as well as his recent battle with cancer. Its nice to hear him speak openly about goals, and how he has overcome being sacked from the company he founded, then rehired. Steve Jobs has been through a lot and come through it all, and whether you like Macs or PC’s, I hope you will find this speech as interesting and inspiring as I did.
Its was done in 2005 by Steve at the Stanford University Commencement Address in California. His talk is aimed at inspiring people to pursue their dreams and never settle.
“Stay Hungry, and Stay Foolish” – Steve Jobs
More on Steve Jobs: